
an awesome book of thanks

i have fallen head-over-heels in love with a book...

kevwrex tweeted it recently and i keep reading it over and over.

it is a children's book that is overflowing with a beautiful heartfelt message and fantastic colorful illustrations.

here is one tiny verse...

thank you with kisses
and thank you with hugs
from a part of my heart
that is so full of love

this is one of those books that i read, close, sigh a deeply happy sigh, and say 'yes!' it captures something so true for me, in words and in pictures.

you can read the entire book here.

i highly recommend watching this short, funny video of dallas explaining the book...

you can visit his website to buy the book and read more about his amazing story. it is very inspiring! 

thank you, dallas, for a such spectacular piece of work. i will be adding it to my personal library and sharing it freely with humans of every age.

and thank you, dear guests, for being one of the awesome things in my personal book of thanks.



Anonymous said...

LOVE it! The video is hilariously CUTE! I ordered two copies- one to keep and one to give.

PuNk rAwK pUrL said...

thank you so much for sharing this experience.
I now have a crush on this human and the work that he is doing. if we can even call it work... cause it sure looks like he is having an awful lot of fun.

is it silly that it makes me cry big ole' drops of gratitude from my eyes? ;^D

diane said...

mim...you made my whole DAY with this comment! i absolutely love that you bought two copies. you are just so great.

tammy...not silly at all, my dear! i was a misty mess upon watching it and reading it and exploring his website and and and...well, i get lots of water in my eyes when i'm super grateful.