
word project: recall + release

i started this month with a bag full of words.

the project was a tiny flutter of an idea from many years ago.

it was a tradition i had never before shared beyond my local urban tribe.

when i posted about it here at the inn, it suddenly became a living, breathing piece of art.

i was shocked and delighted!

my heart was filled with joy when i saw this word...

...come to life in a truthful post written by my lovely friend caren on tea & chickadees.

the magic continued soon after when i discovered this word...

...springing into action with my kindred spirit sara on the beautiful sagebrush coast.

and i found myself once again over the moon when i saw this picture...

...accompanying a vibrant post written by cb at the citybird's nest.

thank you, friends, for writing about your words!

i am grateful to everyone who participated in this project. your presence was so appreciated. there were heartfelt emails, tweets, and comments that brought me much energy and happiness.

what an unexpected and fantastic way to start my year. each of you helped my word come to life...

in the next eleven months, i would love to hear any word stories that you would like to privately or publicly share!


cb said...

no THANK YOU sweetie! i am so enjoying my word and taking it quite literally....again thank you! you are making my 2011 a new "experience" hehehe


diane said...

cb...my pleasure! there are so many experiences on your list that i love too - ah, kindred spirits. :)

a blog about the little things said...

You gifted us with words of merit, dear Diane! I'm so glad the experience also fed your own word, too! Symbiosis at its best! :)

Unknown said...

thank YOU sweet lady!

[i get so caught up in this digital world, but am thinking i'll print my word like cb did ;) it's good to hold things occasionally]

diane said...

caren...symbiosis feels amazing, doesn't it?

sara...my pleasure. i didn't think to print my word either but i am going to now. thanks for the inspiration, cb! :)