
swirls + dandelions

for the last few days, i have been experiencing what i call a swirl.

a swirl is a little spell where i suddenly notice that i'm feeling oddly dissatisfied and intensely self-critical.

i find that meditation is quite healing for the swirl, so i sat in the sunshine today and meditated.

during this time, i remembered reading sorrow is a temp job last night, a beautifully written post from one of my favorite blogs, every day is awesome.

i posted this poem in the comment section...
I have lost my smile,
but don’t worry.
The dandelion has it.

Thich Nhat Hanh in ‘Peace is Every Step’

through my meditation on the swirl, i realized that feelings come and go and the words we use to navigate them are important.

as a teacher, i believe words are powerful and choose them thoughtfully when i talk with students.

during swirl times, i am extra conscious of the words i use with myself.  i try to talk to myself with the compassion and care i use when talking with students.

it's comforting to know that the dandelion is holding my smile for me right now.

in the meantime, i'm going to speak kindly to myself to question, discuss, and move through the swirl.


Kitty said...


I love this. I've been in a "swirl" all month. I'm sick of it. I'm going to try to be nicer to myself.

I think you are amazing and I hope this time passes quickly. You have so much beauty and I admire you so.

love love,
Fritzi Marie

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for that comment. I needed that.

diane said...

fritzi marie...i hope you are as wonderful to yourself as you are to all who love you. i admire you right back, you fiery beauty!

mim...happy i could help. :)

aubrey said...

I know that feeling too. I love that you call it a swirl. Soon you will be sharing your smile with the dandelion.

a blog about the little things said...

I am so very swirly these days. But I haven't been showing myself much compassion, and reading this post made me realize just how poorly I have chosen my words for myself.
This was a blessing of a post; thank you for sharing your swirl & your images/words! Very inspiring!
I also need to learn how to meditate, something I have tried many times but thinking always gets in the way! :)

diane said...

aubrey...thanks for your sweet words. xo

caren...my heart is happy reading your words. i'm sending you wishes for compassionate self-talk. i'm thinking of writing about my journey with meditation because it keeps coming up in conversation lately. it has saved my sanity. :)

Unknown said...

i've been trying to think all week of the right words to give you...but maybe the best words are just 'i'm thinking of you' and 'you are wonderful'. the swirl sucks us all in from time to time...i hope you can spend some time with some other swirls instead...swirls of ice cream, swirly skirts, swirly doodles in your journal.


diane said...

sara...thank you, friend. your words were lovely and absolutely perfect for me. i especially love your alternative swirl suggestions - they are all things i adore! <3