
magical wishes + bubbling brew

hello, dear wonderful guests!

wishing each and every one of you a radiant, happy new year!

i am finally back from my holiday travels, which were truly delightful...

{innkeeper antics on new year's eve}

{a bloom of luminescent dancing jellyfish}

{beautiful live painting}

{multiple macchiatos at sightglass}

{bottle cap wisdom}

{rainbow tunnel at chicago airport}

now, i'm busy tidying up the inn and stirring up a glittery bag of words for you. a simmering cauldron of magic is on the metaphorical stove here at the inn.

i shall return tomorrow, ready with stardust and words for twentytwelve!



Mary said...

You're the cutest! Much love, Diane.

diane said...

mary, you are the sweetest. words from you always feel so authentic + meaningful. thank you!!! xo