
{celebrate} year two

i was busy at work in a cloud of glitter and words this weekend when i realized that the inn had arrived at another milestone...

{hedy lamarr * original image via valentino vamp * edit by moi}

two years ago, i threw open the door of the inn with this post.

one year ago, i celebrated with this post.

today, i am doing a skippy pixie dance and sharing this post in honor of year two.

thank you ever so much for being my honored guests here at the inn!

toasting you with a bazillion bubbles in my champagne glass.

your presence puts the sparkle in the stardust and brings joyful life to this space.

thank you for traipsing around in my dream world with me.




Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Thank-you for offering us a stay at the inn :)

Mary said...

It is with great pleasure, Diane.

Happy Anniversary!

pigwidget said...

Yay! Happy Blogiversary, dearest friend :) and what a divinely perfect illustration: very you :) Here's to another wonderful, magical 366 ('cause it's a leap year) days of innkeeping!! XOXO

splendeurcaisse said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Emily said...

Joyeux anniversaire to the inn!

diane said...

merci beaucoup, mes cheris! xoxo