
word project: revisit + refresh

at the start of this year, i shared my bag*of*words tradition here at the inn.

if you were not yet a guest here during that time, feel free to visit the place it began, the collection of words that emerged, and the word experiences of wondrous people.

today is the first of july, which in my mind launches the second half of the year. this occasion has inspired me to ponder the journey i have had with my word so far.

the word that i chose from the bag is ART, and it lives in a pile of rocks on the ledge of my loft...

it is visible to me every day as i am creating.

all of the other words live in a little tray nearby...

my word inspired me to post this quote above the pile of rocks...

here are a few ways ART has been manifesting in my life this year...

  • my best friend benjamin and i started a weekly meeting called "the alchemy projects" which helps us support each other in bringing our art to life.
  • i have started a new practice of planning and protecting regular studio time for creating my art.
  • my recent discovery of a local artist inspired me immensely.
  • i am currently taking photoshop and photography courses via lynda.com to add new artistic tools to my life.
  • more than ever before, i am actually creating my ideas and translating my inspiration in to real live art on a regular basis.

i truly look forward to how my adventure with the word ART evolves through the rest of the year.

also, this curious innkeeper wants to know what the rest of the words are up to in their beautiful corners of the universe.

if you participated in the word project, i would adore hearing about any experience you have had with your word in the last six months. large or small, significant or subtle, once or repeatedly, anything at all that floats into your mind.

please feel free to comment below, tweet, or email me your word stories.


Nikki Mortham said...

This was a great inspiration to keep moving, especially since I have to hang my art show on THURSDAY. Oh man I'm so not ready, guess I just have to keep moving with it!

BEESTLYproducts said...

what a good idea!
I've never heard that AW quote before, but I really like it :-)

Anonymous said...

I love lynda. affordable and a great way to learn!

Mary said...

This bag of words project is AWESOME. I absolutely love this idea, Diane, and how it's evolved for you. Next January, I'm in.

I also can't believe that we're half way into this year. TIme is absolutely flying.

PARTICIPATE was my word this year and while I do think this is an appropriate word, I realized that I also needed to be consciously thinking of BALANCE, too.

I'm keeping these two words close to me as I am here in QC learning French and trying to soak in as much summer goodness as I possibly can.

Anonymous said...

I love that Warhol quote- and it's so true! It's so easy to get caught up in negativity but it really does act as a speedbump to creativity. I am really happy you are pursuing art and making time to be creative! I know you can do it!

Jo said...

I love your word project...I'm totally in next time around! And ART is such a wonderful word for your year...it's magical!

diane said...

nikkibit...i hope hanging your art show went well and would love to hear more about it.

knitxcore...thank you! i love the quote, it helps me keep moving forward forward forward.

petra...lynda.com has been really valuable for me so far.

mary...i would LOVE for you to join next year. isn't it interesting how words interact? i love to play with the concepts. PARTICIPATE and BALANCE are important friends in my world, although i struggle to keep them in conversation with each other. :)

katie...thank you, friend! i wrote a haiku on my refrigerator this morning because you have inspired me so much lately. your ART is having such a positive effect on me! xo

jo...i would love for you to join next time. <3

keishua said...

that sounds like a great idea. I will have to try it.

diane said...

keishua...i would love for you to join me next time around! xo