
my first v-v-vlog

your innkeeper finally says hello...


Anonymous said...

I love getting to see a moving picture of my favorite bloggers! How cool to hear you and watch you for once.

I can't wait to see more of your lovely area of the world.

Emily said...

Oh my gosh. You are too freaking cute. I just wish I was closer so I could hug you after this! I can't wait to follow along with all these exciting changes you've got planned for the next few months.

jackiebean said...

yay for your first vlog! you are gorgeous, my friend. and i'm totally feeling the love.

can't wait to see what new goodies you have in store for us this summer.


a blog about the little things said...

You are just so lovely, the loveliest inn keeper I ever did see (and hear!). Thank you for the sweet words and all the anticipation for the summer projects you'll be doing!
The Inn is my go-to place for inspiration and sweetness, and it was a real treat to see you Live & In Motion!
p.s. can't wait to see The Dew Drop Inn 3.0!

Ami said...

I love this!!! More, more, more please!

Mary said...

Awww, Diane...How nice to see you in video form! I loved it. I'm really excited to see these summer projects unfold. I'm grateful for you and the Dew Drop Inn.

Keep 'em coming! Feelin' the love!

pigwidget said...

This was an awesome first vlog! Congrats for taking the plunge and doing this: it was wonderful to hear your voice and see you in action! Thank you too for being a wonderful hostess :) You are very sweet. Can't wait to see all your plans unfold. Excited! *grin!*

Rebecca said...

You are absolutely adorably irresistible! Good job on the first vlog--brave on the rocks! You may have even inspired me and I can't wait to compare garden notes.

Unknown said...

You are adorable :) So nice to see you! Looking forward to all the fun to come. I have yet to do a vlog. Someday I hope :)

diane said...


you are making my heart overflow with zippy zappy happy feelings!

thank you so much for taking the time to watch + send me your sweetness.


Maria said...

Good job! My first experience with a vlog was a fail x5 Until I worked out how to make one without everything going wrong. Vimeo seems like a good way to go (I did my first one with youtube - not great if you want to look grainy)

MeeshOne.Love said...

diane!! yay! such a cute little video. hope you're well friend! xo.

Unknown said...

this is only the CUTEST!!! love it my lady...can't wait for more. thank you for being you (and for being quite eloquent)...you inspire smiles and scheming...time for me to plan out summer adventures too! (not sure a vlog is on that list...eep!)

Kitty said...


You are the cutest!
I love visiting your little "inn".

Fritzi Marie

diane said...

silvii...oh, the making of this simple little video was quite a hilarious mess. a learning curve indeed! however, i discovered good things and hope to improve the next time i make one. :)

Heidi pumpkin pie said...

you are so adorable! How exciting!

ALFIE said...

LOVE this!! so excited for the blog re-design! as well as for updates on all your summer adventures!!

cb said...

eek! the sound isn't working on my computer at work!!! i will watch when i get home..but you are wayyy toooo cute sweetie! 8 hours seems sooo long from now :D


Caiti said...

You are so lovely! I love the chance to get to see and hear bloggers as well. You might have given me the courage to do my first video blog one of these days :)

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

awe Diane, you cutie you! lovin' the boldness and your darling pony tails - yahhhhhh! your voice is so soothing and your eyes sparkle with light. love love love the vlog, way to rock it miss innkeeper!

can't wait to see more sonoma goodness from you, wishing you a beautiful week as well. ♥

pes ess: Diane, the comments you left for me on the job, vlog and Mylo sickies posts were incredibly appreciated. fur babies are our forever friends and i hope yours are well now too! i'm sorry it's taken me a bit to reply, being 1st week at the new job my life kinda swirled all the days into 1. but wanted to say supreme thanks! the support is deeply felt and i may call on you for something along the lines of a guestage, would you be into that possibly? xo

PuNk rAwK pUrL said...

oh my gosh you are über doober adorable! & hello sexy voice! haha

great vlog lady. looking forward to more vlogging from the inn!
& to road trips, pie, & prosecco!