
little me

i'm working on a big project tonight which i am so excited to tell you about soon!

in the meantime, a sneak peek of a vintage picture i'm using in it:

me in the garden circa 1976...

...i still love playing in sprinklers.


Sarah said...

You look like a little dolly!

So cute eeeee. <3

Anzouya said...

So cute! And such a beautiful outfit! :-)

a blog about the little things said...

Oh, how darling! Sprinklers are a lot of fun; I still like to run under them in the heat of the summer.
Looking forward to finding out what the secret project is!
Also, we're both '70s babies! We are so retro. ;)

cb said...

adorable!!! your eyes are so beautiful in this pictures! oh i just love it! can't wait to see the project!!


Anonymous said...

That little red outfit is TOO cute!

diane said...

friends, all the love is so sweet!

isn't that outfit adorable? i feel lucky that my mother dressed me in some sassy seventies cuteness.

caren, i think we are a wonderful vintage. :)

Ashley said...


diane said...

ashley...thank you. :)

leah said...

How adorable! ^_^

diane said...
