
weeds + water: and i shall have some peace there

i have officially started thinking about this year's garden.

just a few tiny little daydreams here and there about spring, seeds, and sunshine.

i believe it started when i saw this book on matt bites last month...

this story is margaret roach's journey of leaving a long, lucrative career as an editor in new york city (the new york times, newsday, and martha stewart) and moving out to the country to follow her dream of being a gardener.

in matt's words:

"If you’ve ever dreamed of walking away from something
that no longer makes you happy
towards something that follows your dream,
well, you need to read this book."

the book trailer is beautiful...

and matt's interview with margaret is lovely.

i'm filing this under inspiration -> garden + dreams.

are any of you dreaming about growing things this spring?


Rebecca said...

I'm dreaming about turning this 3 x 3 patch into a teepee garden, like one I saw in the Rainbow Grocery parking lot. Snap peas along the back fence, tomatoes, carrots, etc. Thanks for sharing the beautiful book!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

oh, i wish. we are in an apartment and no balcony :(

i dream of one day having a luscious garden to play in and grow goodness. i wish you well on starting yours this season, please post pics so i can live vicariously!!!! ♥

diane said...

becca...you have such a lovely sunny spot for growing good things! a teepee garden sounds fun. is it made out of bamboo poles? i would love to hear more about it.

lynn...it took me many moons to land in a place where i could grow a garden, so i can relate to your dreams. i promise to post pics this year + to keep wishing for you to have your own spot for growing. <3