

i have been away from the dew drop inn for a week.

during this time, i have been in deep contemplation about my approach to this blog journey...

the inn is a new space.  it has only been seven months since i threw open the door and invited guests in for some magic.

i approached this adventure with the spirit of a beginner.  my goal is to continue to have an open heart as it unfolds.

one idea i have been working with is the scheduled days of the week posts such as weeds + water wednesday and foodie friday.

after several months of this experiment, i have decided that it isn't working for me.  the system does not feel good to me, and my guiding force for this project is to follow my bliss...

therefore, i will still continue with garden and food posts...but i will do so on whatever day they feel appropriate.


garden posts = weeds + water

food posts = foodstuff

as always, i truly appreciate your presence on this journey.

thanks for joining me at the dew drop inn and for going with the flow.

you are wonderful.



Kitty said...


I think that is a lovely idea. It takes all the presure off and lets you blog about what you are passionate about when you feel like it. The perfect combo.

Make a Wish!

Ami said...

I agree Di - this sounds like a perfect plan. You're creativity never ceases to amaze me, and I selfishly want you to be as free as possible so we can benefit from that beautiful, imaginative heart you've got!
